Thursday, April 10, 2008

Piano Tabs

Recently I have had an interest in resuming my piano playing. I stopped playing about four years ago, but now with Something Corporate, Jack's Mannequin, and Straylight Run, I have a burning desire to learn again in (foolish) hopes of mimicking some of their exquisite styles and rifts. I found a small keyboard at a friend's house and borrowed it. To find some tabs, I spent some time searching, although I did not want to pay for sheet music. I found a site, MyFriendAdam, which has tabs of these bands that are rough estimates which will suffice for getting me back into the rhythm. This site is, of course, made to showcase Andrew McMahon's piano genius! Check it out if your at all interest in playing piano or listen to some of Jack's Mannequin's songs. Cheers!

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