Tuesday, April 1, 2008

21 & Counting Cards

This weekend I saw the movie 21 in theaters. It was outstanding! The cinematography was amazing and the story line kept my attention throughout the entire movie, a real intelligent movie with some spice. After telling a few friends about it, I learned that it is based off of a book Bringing Down The House, so I looked into this. Much to my surprise, there is a History Channel exclusive documentary on the MIT Blackjack team. A friend showed it to me at his house, and the whole concept astounded me. These people made about $1 Million per year (but divided it between themselves). But let me conclude my amazement with this fact: although they made tons of money using wit and craft, one of the players sold his software company for $310 Million. Conclusion, counting cards and this high-roller lifestyle is interesting, but actually having intelligence and using it is

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